Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Horse Racing Systems Can't Work Without Good Record Keeping and Goal Setting by Bill Peterson

Many people wisely choose to use a good horse racing system to increase their profits at the race track, but then make a serious error. If you are using a systematic approach to picking winners, why wouldn't you use a systematic approach to recording your progress? Yet that is the very mistake they make.

One of the reasons is that they often have unrealistic expectations about what a good horse racing system will do for them and then become discouraged when it fails to meet their expectations. Realistically, if you pay $30 - $50 for a handicapping system do you think it will instantly make you rich? Of course it won't.

Like anything else in life that we buy to make ourselves successful, handicapping systems are tools that must be used and skill must be developed in using the tool. Buying a hammer doesn't make you a carpenter and having the plans for a boat doesn't make you a competent sailor.

Even when you lose, and this is the hardest time to keep records, you must write down what is happening and how much you lose. Don't worry, you'll also get to keep good records when you win and if you keep practicing and refining your efforts, you will win. But how are you going to make changes that will help you to win if you don't have accurate records of what you have been doing?

Therefore, everything must be noted and a clear trail or progression must be visible. Only then will you be able to affect changes that will eliminate your mistakes or weaknesses and accentuate your strengths. Keep a good set of notes about whatever method or system to pick winners you use and then think of ways to improve it based on your own individual strengths and weaknesses, and as always, don't wager more than you can afford to lose. Keep bets small and manageable until you have enough practice and confidence.

About the Author

Learn how an insider handicaps horse races by visiting Bill's website at (Horse Racing Handicapping with Willie's). To see the systems Bill uses, go to (Bill's Handicapping Store) Bill Peterson has been in horse racing for 50 years. "Horse Racing is in my blood."

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